One thing in my life I would like to change is my weight. I would like to lose 10 pounds, 20 would be awesome. It’s really hard. I’ve been frustrated with this 10 pounds for at least 6 months now. I have to admit I’m not working very hard at it. I make great plans, but at the first sign of ice cream I decide I will start tomorrow. I also know that there are not any magic “get skinny quick” schemes out there. Only hard work and less food will get rid of these extra pounds. It’s a simple math equation. I need to burn more calories than I eat. So if I want to lose weight I have to either to work out, or eat less. I’ll be stuck with these pounds until I feel like doing one, or both, of those things.
It’s amazing to me how easily I can change the above paragraph to describe getting out of debt.
One thing in my life I would like to change is my debt. I would like to pay off my cars, the house would be awesome. It’s really hard. I’ve been frustrated with this debt for at least 4 years now. I have to admit I’m not working very hard at it. I make great plans, but at the first sign of a sale I decide I will start tomorrow. I also know that there are not any magic “get rich quick” schemes out there. Only a higher income and less spending will get rid of these extra debts. It’s a simple math equation. I need to earn more money than I spend. So if I want to reduce my debt I have to either make more, or spend less. I’ll be stuck with these debts until I feel like doing one, or both, of those things.
Weird huh?
What changes are you trying to make in your life? Leave a comment or write a post on your blog and leave the link.
pic by: Toby Yu
I wanted to comment on this yesterday, but never got back here. You sound a lot like me. I can just ditto your post. Our cars are paid off, but we have a neverending mortgage and 1 child in college and 1 that will be in college eventually. I would like to say that as you get older, things become clearer and easier. But that is not true. Things stay the same until you make them change. I need some motivation I think. Any ideas?
No ideas other than just try to keep your goals in your mind. So that when you are tempted you can remember what you are working for.
The weight thing is way harder for me than the debt thing.
There's no point in having a goal unless you REALLY want it. Everybody wants to lose weight - but most people don't REALLY want to lose weight. I think maybe they just want something to talk about.
I competed as a natural bodybuilder for the first last year.. I started dieting 6 months out and was at > 20% body fat at 205 LBs. I competed a little under 7% bodyfat at 156 LBs.
Why do I tell this story? Because I didn't know much about diet (I'd lifted weights for a long time) at all when I decided to compete... but I signed up for the contest and told everyone I knew that I was going to do it. My motivation was me being up on stage in my tiny posing trunks - I would show myself to the world, whether I was fat or in shape.
So I read and read about dieting and then I read some more, then I went back and re-read those things. Then I put them in motion and once you get started you get some momentum - and you gain more momentum until it feels like nothing can stop you.
Sorry for the long comment - but if you REALLY want something - you'll find a way to do it.
two changes
make a budget and live accordingly
(I just started from last month, I wish I had started before)
De-clutter my living space. Follow the KISS *Keep it Simple Stupid* principle :-)
Stumbled upon your blog and I love it will link to you.
I completely agree with mom @ wide open wallet. I had the same problem as you--I always wanted to get started on paying down debt or saving some money, but after a week, would lose interest AND forget about the budget. The only thing I have found that works for me is having a goal. Something that I really want (saving up to have kids, a house, a nice vacation, whatever that might be) so that every time I even think about spending money, it just doesn't seem as important as saving that money for what I *really* want.
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